The River Tour 2016 - Mediolan, Stadio San Siro (2)
Mediolan, Stadio San Siro (2)
5.07.2016 r.
1. Meet Me in the City (pierwszy raz w Europie)
2. Prove It All Night
3. Roulette
4. The Ties That Bind
5. Sherry Darling
6. Spirit in the Night
7. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
8. Fire
9. Something in the Night
10. Hungry Heart
11. Out in the Street
12. Mary's Place
13. Death to My Hometown
14. The River
15. Racing in the Street
16. Cadillac Ranch
17. The Promised Land
18. I'm a Rocker
19. Lonesome Day
20. Darlington County
21. The Price You Pay
22. Because the Night
23. Streets of Fire (pierwszy raz na #TheRiverTour)
24. The Rising
25. Badlands
26. Backstreets
27. Born to Run
28. Seven Nights to Rock
29. Dancing in the Dark
30. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
31. Shout
32. Bobby Jean
Bis 2
33. This Hard Land (Bruce solo akustycznie)
Koncert można kupić w postaci plików MP3, ALAC, FLAC, FLAC-HD oraz na CD:
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