Bruce Springsteen From My Home to Yours vol. 19: Fans and Bands (10.03.2021)

Utw.: 13.03.2021 Marta Jacobson/Markos E-mail
From From My Home to Yours vol. 19: Fans and BandsFrom My Home to Yours vol. 19: Fans and Bands

Nowy odcinek cyklu From From My Home to Yours nosi tytuł „Fans & Bands”. Bruce opowiada o muzykach i ich muzach. Przy okazji - to pierwsza playlista Bruce'a wyłącznie z męskimi wokalami…


  1. Kings of Flannel - Bobby Sutliff
  2. Byrdgirl - Matthew Sweet
  3. Rockin' Here Tonight - Slim Dunlap
  4. Where the Bands Are - Bruce Springsteen
  5. Girl From Washington - The Windbreakers
  6. Girl of My Dreams - Bram Tchaikovsky
  7. Last Man Standing - Bruce Springsteen
  8. Pumping Iron - Iron City Houserockers
  9. Coma Girl - Joe Strummer
  10. Sally Was a Legend - Robyn Hitchcock
  11. Battle of the Bands - Webb Wilder
  12. Kick Out the Jams - MC5
  13. Jody Sings - Masters of Reality
  14. You Made It - Teddy Thompson
  15. She’s a God - Blue Cartoon
  16. I'm in Love With Your Rock and Roll - Kish Mauve
  17. Letter to You - Bruce Springsteen
  18. American Girl (live) - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

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